Have you ever heard of a concept KonMari? Have you ever tried to tidy up your house using this method? If the answer is no, now is the time to acquire this useful method in order to tidy up your living space. Organize your house in categories thanks to Marie Kondo.

What excatly is KonMari method?
Have you ever heard of Marie Kondo and her successful book ''The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up''? If you haven't, you maybe should take a look since the core idea is excellent! Marie presented her idea of organizing the living space to the world.
By now you've certainly read series of texts on organizing rooms within the household. Marie Kondo makes a twist and organizes in categories. Moreover, Kondo has been active on Netflix where the number of her subscribers has been growing every day.
Tidying Up With Marie Kondo is a TV Show that you could find interesting so go to your TVs or laptops and carefully follow the instructions.

What is it all about?
KonMari Categories
- Clothes
- Books
- Papers
- Komono (different items)
- Sentimental stuff