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How to perfectly clean a microwave oven?

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The invention of the microwave oven changed our life habits and provided us with hot meals even when we didn’t have time to cook. And what happens when the microwave needs to be cleaned? Will you call a cleaning service for help or will you study for yourself how to clean your microwave? Here are some valuable tips.


1. Očistite mikrovalnu pećnicu uz pomoć octa i vode


Dobri stari alkoholni ocat i voda saveznici su Blistavog doma, a od danas mogu biti i Vaši saveznici u čišćenju. Ako želite što bezbolnije očistiti mikrovalnu pećnicu, nadamo se da Vam je alkoholni ocat pri ruci. U posudu ulijte vode i dodajte octa. Ako ne želite da se kuhinjom šire, za neke izrazito neugodni, mirisi octa, dodajte u otopinu nekoliko kapi eteričnog ulja ili blagog deterdženta. Predlažemo da 5 minuta zagrijavate mikrovalnu pećnicu, a da nakon gašenja još 10 do 15 minuta ne otvarate vrata mikrovalne. Zatim pažljivo izvadite vruću posudu i prebrišite unutrašnjost mikrovalne. 


2. Očistite mikrovalnu pećnicu uz pomoć svježeg limuna


Ako ne želite koristiti ocat ili Vam nije pri ruci, razrežite limun i iscijedite njegov sok u posudu s vodom. Najbolje bi bilo da koristite 2 šalice vode, više od toga Vam ne treba. Limun možete narezati na kriške ili polovice limuna ubaciti u vodu. Zagrijte mikrovalnu na 5 minuta i nakon toga pričekajte da tekućina odstoji i da se malo ohladi. Pažljivo izvadite vruću posudu s vodom i prebrišite nečistoće.


3. Očistite mikrovalnu pećnicu uz pomoć svježih namirnica i sode bikarbone


Upravo sad kad ste htjeli isprobati savjete, shvatili ste da nemate ni limuna ni octa u kući. Naš alarm još uvijek nije upaljen. Navikli smo se da uvijek treba pronaći dodatno rješenje u nedostatku sredstava ili vremena. Promotrite svoju zdjelu s voćem, možda tamo ugledate naranču ili zaostalu polovicu limete koju ste koristili za pripremu koktela. Izrežite agrum na kriške i stavite ga u vodu. Za uklanjanje neugodnih mirisa iz mikrovalne pećnice, uspite u vodu 2 žličice sode bikarbone. Ponovite postupak sa zagrijavanjem i pažljivim uklanjanjem posude, a zatim prebrišite preostale nečistoće. Primjećujete li već sad neutralan miris mikrovalne kakav dugo niste osjetili?


4. Očistite mikrovalnu pećnicu običnim deterdžentom


Ako baš ništa nemate u kući predlažemo da pohitate u obližnju trgovinu. Ako ne želite trošiti ili Vam se ne sviđaju prethodni savjeti, uvijek možete uzeti spužvicu i deterdžent za suđe. Lagano izribajte unutrašnjost mikrovalne pećnice, ali znajte da ćete se ipak malo i umoriti.  Ne možemo garantirati ugodan miris unutar pećnice, ali isto tako svjesni smo da deterdženti za posuđe nisu potpuno prirodni. Pokušajte zagrijati posudu s vodom i nekoliko kapi deterdženta, možda se iznenadite.


5. Očistite mikrovalnu pećnicu sredstvom za pranje staklenih površina


Sredstvo za pranje stakla baš svi imamo u kući, a neki mikrovalnu pećnicu vole čistiti baš ovako: našpricati masne i onečišćene površine (bit će dovoljno desetak špriceva), umetanje posude s vodom i zagrijavanje. Voda i sredstvo ponovno će odraditi posao, a na Vama je da sve pobrišete. Mi ne volimo koristiti ovo sredstvo za čišćenje, ali sredstva na bazi alkohola poprilično su blizu organskog čišćenja. Isprobajte i javite nam svoje dojmove.


Nadamo se da Vaša mikrovalna pećnica neće biti strašno prljava čak 5 puta pa nećete morati isprobati svaki naš savjet.

Javite nam koji ste recept isprobali, a rado ćemo objaviti neki iz Vaše tvornice čišćenja :)



P.S. Ako trebate usluge profesionalnog servisa za čišćenje u Zadarskoj županiji, tu smo za Vas. Više o našim uslugama saznajte na našoj web stranici: www.blistavidom.hr!

The invention of the microwave oven changed our life habits and provided us with hot meals even when we didn’t have time to cook. And what happens when the microwave needs to be cleaned? Will you call a cleaning service for help or will you study for yourself how to clean your microwave? Here are some valuable tips. How to clean a microwave? 1 Clean the microwave with vinegar and water Good old alcoholic vinegar and water are allies of Blistavi dom, and as of today they can also be your allies in cleaning. If you want to clean the microwave as painlessly as possible, we hope that alcoholic vinegar is at hand. Pour water into a bowl and add vinegar. If you do not want the kitchen to spread for some extremely unpleasant odors of vinegar, add a few drops of essential oil or a mild detergent to the solution. We suggest that you heat the microwave oven for 5 minutes, and that you do not open the microwave door for another 10 to 15 minutes after turning it off. Then carefully remove the hot pan and wipe the inside of the microwave. 2 Clean the microwave with fresh lemon If you do not want to use vinegar or it is not at hand, slice a lemon and squeeze its juice into a bowl of water. It would be best to use 2 cups of water, you don’t need more than that. You can cut the lemon into slices or put the lemon halves in the water. Heat the microwave for 5 minutes and then wait for the liquid to stand and cool slightly. Carefully remove the hot water container and wipe off any dirt. 3 Clean the microwave with fresh ingredients and baking soda Right now when you wanted to try the tips, you realized you had neither lemon nor vinegar in the house. Our alarm is still not on. We are used to always having to find an additional solution in the absence of funds or time. Look at your fruit bowl, you may see an orange or leftover half of the lime you used to make the cocktail there. Cut the citrus into slices and put it in water. To remove unpleasant odors from the microwave, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to the water. Repeat the process with heating and carefully removing the pan, then wipe off any remaining dirt. Do you already notice the neutral smell of the microwave that you haven't felt for a long time? 4 Clean the microwave with ordinary detergent If you don't have anything in the house, we suggest you hurry to a nearby store. If you don’t want to spend or don’t like the previous tips, you can always take a sponge and dish detergent. Rub the inside of the microwave lightly, but know that you will still get a little tired. We cannot guarantee a pleasant smell inside the oven, but we are also aware that dishwashing detergents are not completely natural. Try heating a bowl of water and a few drops of detergent, you may be surprised. 5 Clean the microwave with glass cleaner We all have glass cleaner in the house, and some people like to clean the microwave oven just like this: spray greasy and dirty surfaces (a dozen syringes will suffice), insert a bowl of water and heat it. Water and agent will do the job again, and it is up to you to wipe everything away. We don’t like to use this cleanser, but alcohol-based cleansers are pretty close to organic cleansers. Give it a try and let us know your impressions. Cleaning the kitchen always includes cleaning the microwave. After reading today’s tips, cleaning your microwave shouldn’t be a problem. Cleaning home appliances extends their life and saves you money. Don't worry, household appliance cleaners are easily available to everyone. And for those with a slightly thinner pocket, the natural cleansers found in every home will work great. Fearlessly reach for lemon, baking soda, vinegar, salt and many other items. Let your microwave shine with the same shine of brand new appliances! We hope that your microwave oven will not be terribly dirty even 5 times, so you will not have to try every one of our tips. Let us know which recipe you tried, and we’ll be happy to post some from your cleaning factory :) ✨✨✨ P.S. If you need the services of a professional cleaning service in Zadar County, we are here for you. Find out more about our services on our website: www.blistavidom.hr! Read more